I'm sitting in my office, which is currently doubling as an isolation room for Spaz while we clear her (that's right, it turns out Spaz is a girl) up from ear mites, a bacteria I can't pronounce that is common to chickens and round worms. it will be another week or so before we can introduce her to Gracie, but she is such a sociable little thing that I'm spending some time in here with her.
And I'm reflecting.
As per usual, none of our plans are going smoothly. The situation is such that we are moving slower on the actual start of the business. Our house in Australia has not yet sold. When it does sell, we have to jump on a plane and go down there to remove our stuff and attend the closing.
We considered the idea of a small loan to begin the business here, but it really would be scrambling, and all of us agree that we want to get this business started on the right foot, because we want our first contact with the public to be memorable for how awesome we are, not because we weren't organized. On top of that, it is spring in Australia, and that is usually time when houses sell. So if we get a loan and the house sells, we will have gotten a loan for no reason.
I considered getting a part time job, but Mom and the husband are opposed to this idea and wold prefer to see me spending my time writing. It makes sense, because we are living in a very small town and sharing a car. it is very difficult however to sit in this lovely house, see all the projects we want to do and know that most of them cost money.
Why am I sharing this? Because too often, we hear success stories that don't go into the details of what it's like to sacrifice, take risks and prevail. We are working to keep the risk minimal, and we therefore have to make some sacrifices in the short term.
For the record, all three of us have made much greater sacrifices in the past five years than we are currently. My husband and I lived in a house that was being renovated for two years - two years that started with the world's worst bushfire, which delayed our plans to finish the renovation by a lot. So I can't really say it's a sacrifice to sit in my nicely furnished home with all my needs met and a few perks.
it is worth mentioning in this blog only because our time frame for beginning the business has changed.
In the mean time, we are focusing on yard work, eating well on a budget, raising a kitten, taking care of chickens and getting in shape.
Ironically, this has resulted in even more creativity in the kitchen from the Husband. We are even reconsidering what product we will be selling when we hit the festival circuit, so it's probably a good thing I haven't given out details of the product yet.
I also have more time to devote to my writing and to getting involved with the local theater group.
I'll finish up here as Spaz is determined to help me write this blog, and I do not want it to disappear on me.
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