My husband and I recently moved to the U.S. We set foot on the shores of my homeland on July 13, 2011, carrying paperwork for my husband's green card. Of course, the U.S. is rather large, and we have many friends here, so it was two days and several flights later before we arrived at our new home in Virginia.
We were really excited to get started. We've been married for about five and a half years, and while it's been a delight to us on many levels, in a lot of ways it has been a struggle. Out of that struggle we have forged a dream. Though I began the foundation of the dream over a year ago when I began the paperwork for his green card, we didn't feel we'd shed the burdens that were holding us down until we actually got here. There is just something about pulling up stakes and flying halfway around the world that underscores the idea of fresh start.
Now, we begin what we want to do as a couple and we are enjoying every minute of it. Our dream is a simple one but some would find it rather unusual, so I shall highlight a few of the goals and I will use this blog to detail how we're progressing on those goals.
Phase One: We plan to build a food business to indulge my husband's talent and love of cooking.
Phase Two: Build a catamaran and sail from the U.S. to Australia.
We're still working on the details, but the timeline is anywhere from three to five years. It probably won't be easy (though I can't help but hope it will be), but it's totally in our hands and rise or fall, we're getting to do things our way.